/* ===================================================== DataLife Engine - by SoftNews Media Group ----------------------------------------------------- https://dle-news.ru/ ----------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2004-2023 SoftNews Media Group ===================================================== This code is protected by copyright ===================================================== File: mysql.php ----------------------------------------------------- Use: MySQL class ===================================================== */ if( !defined( 'DATALIFEENGINE' ) ) { header( "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden" ); header ( 'Location: ../../' ); die( "Hacking attempt!" ); } class db { private $db_id = null; private $query_id = false; private $mysql_error = ''; private $mysql_error_num = 0; public $query_num = 0; public $query_list = array(); public $query_errors_list = array(); public $mysql_version = ''; public $MySQL_time_taken = 0; function connect($db_user, $db_pass, $db_name, $db_location = 'localhost', $show_error=1) { $db_location = explode(":", $db_location); $time_before = $this->get_real_time(); mysqli_report(MYSQLI_REPORT_OFF); if (isset($db_location[1])) { $this->db_id = mysqli_connect($db_location[0], $db_user, $db_pass, $db_name, $db_location[1]); } else { $this->db_id = mysqli_connect($db_location[0], $db_user, $db_pass, $db_name); } $this->query_list[] = array('query' => 'Connection with MySQL Server', 'time' => ($this->get_real_time() - $time_before), 'num' => 0); if(!$this->db_id) { if($show_error == 1) { $this->display_error(mysqli_connect_error(), '1'); } else { $this->query_errors_list[] = array( 'error' => mysqli_connect_error() ); return false; } } $res = $this->super_query( "SELECT VERSION() AS `version`", false, false, false ); $this->mysql_version = $res['version']; if( version_compare($this->mysql_version, '5.6.4', '<') ) { die ("Datalife Engine required MySQL version 5.6.4 or greater. You need upgrade MySQL version on your server."); } mysqli_set_charset ($this->db_id , COLLATE ); mysqli_query($this->db_id, "SET NAMES '" . COLLATE . "'", false ); $this->sql_mode(); return true; } function query($query, $show_error=true, $log_query=true) { $time_before = $this->get_real_time(); if(!$this->db_id) $this->connect(DBUSER, DBPASS, DBNAME, DBHOST); if(!($this->query_id = mysqli_query($this->db_id, $query) )) { $this->mysql_error = mysqli_error($this->db_id); $this->mysql_error_num = mysqli_errno($this->db_id); if($show_error) { $this->display_error($this->mysql_error, $this->mysql_error_num, $query); } else { $this->query_errors_list[] = array( 'query' => $query, 'error' => $this->mysql_error ); } } $this->MySQL_time_taken += $this->get_real_time() - $time_before; if( $log_query ) { $this->query_list[] = array('query' => $query, 'time' => ($this->get_real_time() - $time_before), 'num' => count($this->query_list)); $this->query_num ++; } return $this->query_id; } function multi_query($query, $show_error=true, $log_query=true) { $time_before = $this->get_real_time(); if(!$this->db_id) $this->connect(DBUSER, DBPASS, DBNAME, DBHOST); if( mysqli_multi_query($this->db_id, $query) ) { while( mysqli_more_results($this->db_id) && mysqli_next_result($this->db_id) ){ ; } } if( mysqli_error($this->db_id) ) { $this->mysql_error = mysqli_error($this->db_id); $this->mysql_error_num = mysqli_errno($this->db_id); if($show_error) { $this->display_error($this->mysql_error, $this->mysql_error_num, $query); } else { $this->query_errors_list[] = array( 'query' => $query, 'error' => $this->mysql_error ); } } if( $log_query ) { $this->query_list[] = array('query' => $query, 'time' => ($this->get_real_time() - $time_before), 'num' => count($this->query_list)); $this->MySQL_time_taken += $this->get_real_time() - $time_before; } $this->query_num ++; } function get_row($query_id = null) { if ( is_null($query_id) ) $query_id = $this->query_id; return mysqli_fetch_assoc($query_id); } function get_affected_rows() { return mysqli_affected_rows($this->db_id); } function get_array( $query_id = null ) { if ( is_null($query_id) ) $query_id = $this->query_id; return mysqli_fetch_array($query_id); } function super_query($query, $multi = false, $show_error=true, $log_query=true) { if(!$multi) { $this->query($query, $show_error, $log_query); $data = $this->get_row(); $this->free(); return $data; } else { $this->query($query, $show_error, $log_query); $rows = array(); while($row = $this->get_row()) { $rows[] = $row; } $this->free(); return $rows; } } function num_rows($query_id = null) { if ( is_null($query_id) ) $query_id = $this->query_id; return mysqli_num_rows($query_id); } function insert_id() { return mysqli_insert_id($this->db_id); } function get_result_fields($query_id = null) { if ( is_null($query_id) ) $query_id = $this->query_id; while ($field = mysqli_fetch_field($query_id)) { $fields[] = $field; } return $fields; } function safesql( $source ) { if(!$this->db_id) $this->connect(DBUSER, DBPASS, DBNAME, DBHOST); if ($this->db_id) return mysqli_real_escape_string ($this->db_id, $source); else return addslashes($source); } function free( $query_id = null ) { if ( is_null($query_id) ) $query_id = $this->query_id; if ( $query_id ) { mysqli_free_result($query_id); $this->query_id = false; } } function close() { if( $this->db_id ) mysqli_close($this->db_id); $this->db_id = false; } function get_real_time() { list($seconds, $microSeconds) = explode(' ', microtime()); return ((float)$seconds + (float)$microSeconds); } function sql_mode() { $remove_modes = array( 'STRICT_TRANS_TABLES', 'STRICT_ALL_TABLES', 'ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY', 'NO_ZERO_DATE', 'NO_ZERO_IN_DATE', 'TRADITIONAL' ); $res = $this->query( "SELECT @@SESSION.sql_mode", false, false ); $row = $this->get_array(); if ( !$row[0] ) { return; } $modes_array = explode( ',', $row[0] ); $modes_array = array_change_key_case( $modes_array, CASE_UPPER ); foreach ( $modes_array as $key => $value ) { if ( in_array( $value, $remove_modes ) ) { unset( $modes_array[ $key ] ); } } $mode_list = implode(',', $modes_array); if($row[0] != $mode_list) { $this->query( "SET SESSION sql_mode='{$mode_list}'", false, false ); } } function __destruct() { if( $this->db_id ) mysqli_close($this->db_id); $this->db_id = false; } function display_error($error, $error_num, $query = '') { $query = htmlspecialchars($query, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8'); $error = htmlspecialchars($error, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8'); $trace = debug_backtrace(); $level = 0; if (isset($trace[1]['function']) AND $trace[1]['function'] == "query" ) $level = 1; if (isset($trace[1]['function']) AND $trace[2]['function'] == "super_query" ) $level = 2; $trace[$level]['file'] = str_replace(ROOT_DIR, "", $trace[$level]['file']); echo << MySQL Fatal Error
MySQL Error!
MySQL error in file: {$trace[$level]['file']} at line {$trace[$level]['line']}
Error Number: {$error_num}
The Error returned was:
SQL query:

HTML; die(); } } define ("DBHOST", ""); define ("DBNAME", "kryarnews_osn"); define ("DBUSER", "kryarnews_osn"); define ("DBPASS", "vS8jX7vG9u"); define ("PREFIX", "dle"); define ("USERPREFIX", "dle"); define ("COLLATE", "utf8mb4"); define('SECURE_AUTH_KEY', 'C O4).l/,IzD1)|%XBE/D(AA[p4@!<0.3,TpBSfDxnZ=~rVAdKT;zf8r[v2rtO3'); $db = new db; ?> Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function query() on null in /var/www/redact/data/www/yarnews163.ru/engine/modules/cron.php:61 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/redact/data/www/yarnews163.ru/engine/init.php(355): include_once() #1 /var/www/redact/data/www/yarnews163.ru/index.php(25): require_once('/var/www/redact...') #2 {main} thrown in /var/www/redact/data/www/yarnews163.ru/engine/modules/cron.php on line 61